Meet Report: 17-19 November 2023.
Herld at the Falcon Manor Hotel, Settle.
To begin at the beginning, four years ago six members arrived at their last cabin on a week’s ski tour in Norway. With the strong, cold wind behind them it had been good day: over a pass, down a series of lakes, crossing a snowed-in summer road and up to an eight-bunk cabin, only to find it already occupied by six knitting Oslo friends. An hour or so later a lone chap arrived from the opposite direction, into that headwind and with a large pack, having covered over twice our mileage. Chatting that evening and over a meal together last year, we found a common interest in Slingsby and Greenland. That’s how he, Nils Hagen, was invited to be the principal guest at this year’s Annual Dinner.
Following the AGM in the Settle Social Club, Nils gave an entertaining and informative talk on his experience of using clothing and equipment copied from Nansen’s 1888 first crossing of the Greenland icecap, when he followed much the same route a century later. Rather than reporting the detailed progress of the team of four, he gave a relatable account of how it felt to be using the gear, which prompted a host of questions before time had to be called to make our way to Falcon Manor for the Dinner. Visitors to the talk included FRCC members and users of the Ingleton Climbing Wall.
Fifty-eight members and guests assembled for the Annual Dinner announced by Master of Ceremonies, David Large. Wendy Richards gave a climbers’ Grace and, after the meal, her husband Steve gave the Loyal Toast. Michael Smith announced the toast to Absent Friends. Our President, Becca, welcomed the Club’s guests, presidents Simon Richardson from the Alpine Club and Patsy Mellor of the Craven Pothole Club, before toasting all our kindred clubs and our guests. Nils responded with the toast to the Yorkshire Ramblers before joining the five-strong members’ choir and Helen Smith at the keyboard to close proceedings with the singing of ‘Yorkshire’.
Though some members had walked up Trow Gill to Gaping Gill on Saturday morning returning only slightly damp, the weather was unencouraging for Harvey’s Sunday walk around Attermire. Undeterred, a cag-clad party braved the showers, slipping and sploshing their way over the lower part of the route before sense prevailed and a more direct way back to Settle was taken. A stark contrast to the good winter conditions four members had enjoyed four days previously on the Càrn Mòr Dearg arête and Ben Nevis.
Eighteen gathered in Lowstern at dusk for Wendy’s home-made scones served with clotted cream, jam and tea. All lingered chatting, to be joined one-and-a-half hours later by Arthur Salmon, Barbara and Conrad Tetley who had taken an alternative route.
For the planning and their roles in making this sociable meet such a success, thanks go to Michael, Helen, Wendy, Christine, Tom, Steve, Harvey, Davids Hick and Large and, in the choir, David, Arthur, Trevor, Peter, Jason and Nils.
Attendance: Mick Borroff, Helen Brewitt, Aaron Campion, Ged Campion, Imogen Campion, Peter Chadwick, Alan Clare, Rachel Costigan (G, Sunday walk), Roy Denney, Paul Dover, Anne Dover (G), Ann Dover (G), Richard Dover, Tony Dunford, Karen Dyer (G), Beverley Eastwood, Iain Gilmour, Sarah Gilmour (G), Nils Hagen (Principal Guest), Ian Hawkes, David Hick, Becca Humphreys (President), Jason Humphreys, Debby Kuhlmann (PM), Geraldine Lally (G), David Large, Alan Linford, Angela Linford (G), Anne Lofthouse, Harvey Lomas, Malcolm Lynch, Duncan Mackay, Nicole Mainaud (G), Christine Marriott, Patsy Mellor (G, CPC President), John Middleton, Valerie Middleton (G), Conrad Murphy (G), Steve Richards, Wendy Richards, Simon Richardson (G, AC President), Ann Salmon (G), Arthur Salmon, Barbara Salmon, Trevor Salmon, Simon Snowden (G), Helen Smith, Michael Smith, Tom Spencer, John Sutcliffe, Conrad Tetley, Martyn Trasler, Kjetil Tveranger, Gail Taylor (G), Richard Taylor, Carol Whalley, John Whalley, Charles Phillip Wilkinson (G), Frank Wilkinson.
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