Club Song

Words by J. A. Green.

Air: “The Yeomen of England.”

Who are the Ramblers –
The Ramblers of Yorkshire?
The Ramblers are the Cave-men –
The Cavemen of Yorkshire.
Vile are the clothes they wear,
When in this sport they share,
Great is the love they bear,
For the pot-holes of Yorkshire!

And Long Kin, and Lost John
And Gaping Ghyll Cavern
Have all felt the might
Of the Ramblers of Yorkshire.
No other shire has such pots
As their motherland, Old Yorkshire,
And o’er her broad moorlands
May they ever roam!

Where go the Ramblers –
The Ramblers of Yorkshire?
In cavern and in pot-hole
They do take their pleasure!
Stained with the muddy tan,
Cave dirt doth give a man,
Filthy but happy in
The pot-holes of Yorkshire!

And Alum Pot, and Rowten,
And Jockey, and Rift Pot
Have all felt the might
Of the Ramblers of Yorkshire!
No other shire has such pots
As their motherland, old Yorkshire,
And on her broad moorlands
Shall they ever thrive,
Shall they, shall they ever thrive!