Covid-19 and the YRC: 16 May update


Here’s an update on the current situation with respect to YRC meets and huts.

We are still being asked not to gather in groups, to observe social distancing outside our own households, and not to stay away from home overnight. This currently rules out most normal club meets; social distancing would be very difficult in our huts anyway. The situation is unlikely to change until early July at the earliest, and restrictions will probably go on for longer. Meets are therefore being cancelled on a rolling basis, and both our huts are currently closed and off limits for all members except for essential care and maintenance. We are liaising with the BMC and kindred clubs, and MAY be able to look at limited opening later in the year, but at this stage there is no guarantee. Members will of course be notified of changes to the meet program as they happen, and of changes to hut use if they become possible.

On a brighter note, we are now allowed to travel to exercise, and to meet one other person not of our household and go for a walk with them provided we stay 2 metres apart. We are however asked not to overload popular beaches, beauty spots etc, and most places have not reopened cafes, toilets etc; places like Cornwall, the Yorkshire coast, parts of the Dales and the Lake District are actively discouraging visitors, and we should respect this.

Please enjoy the good weather, but be sensible and stay safe.

Rory Newman


The BMC has also updated its current guidance on climbing and hillwalking in England and in Wales.

MS advice on hill-walking, mountaineering, skiing and climbing in Scotland is different.

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