Social Meet, North York Moors

Meet Report: 23-26 April 2018.

Grinkle Park Hotel

The rolling hills and dales of the North Yorkshire Moors and surrounding attractions provided an ideal location for the needs of the Social Meet; activities less arduous and more social than in the past.

Grinkle Park Hotel, a converted country house in 35 acres of country garden, provided excellent hospitality for the 18 persons attending. Booking early, July 2017, a minimum of 6 rooms was needed to secure a deal and an upgrade to superior accommodation. All 10 reserved rooms were taken; it was the commitment of members that made this meet a success.

We missed the company of Cliff and Cathie Large, Cliff unwell and having to withdraw at the last moment, we wish them well and hope to see them in the future.

Activities during the meet combined morning group excursions and afternoon individual activity. This seemed to meet most needs and maybe this is the format for the future.

Tuesday. 7 couples arrived on time at the Grosmont station of the North York Moors Historic Railway. Fortified with station coffee they boarded the steamer which pulled us to Goathland.

Most walked the rail trail, at leisurely pace, back to Grosmont, calling at Birch Hall Inn at Beck Hole (Shut on a Tuesday! Smallest Inn in England). Richard and Gail made a side trip to Mallyan Spout, almost thwarted by a missing signpost! Peter, Ann and Pippin legged it back to Whitby to visit a piano maker and the Captain Cook Memorial Museum.

Above Grosmont

Railway enthusiasts Richard and Elizabeth fulfilled a lifelong ambition and travelled the whole route from Whitby to Pickering and back. 3 hours of excitement on a social meet.

Dennis, 90 this year, and Joan wished to see the sea. This we did at Saltburn, rain in stair rods did not stop a walk on the pier accomplished with a fair rendering of ‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside’ Unfortunately a bit of a disappointment as the sky and sea were the same colour -grey.

Wednesday. A group were impressed with the 3m sculpture, by Sean Henry, on Westerdale Rigg, all agreed it was appropriate. Some were rebuffed by the gale force wind coming from the Baltic. On then to join others walking from Low Mill, Farndale, to take in the Daffodil Trail. Some walked both ways, Dennis and Joan were left at the Faversham Arms in the care of Una and a car sent to collect them. Blakey Rigg provided splendid views of the dales providing you sat in the car.

Paul and Anne Dover, Elaine Josephy, Farndale

The conditions were pleasantest in the valley. Many visited craft exhibitions at the Moors National Park Centre, Danby Dale. Ice cream was consumed sitting in the sun enjoying the view. Many dales were traversed to keep out of the wind. Better conditions at Staithes and Sandsend coastal resorts. Anne and Paul had a reminiscing visit to the Ryedale Folk Museum which has a number of new and enlarged exhibition halls as well as several re-erected historic buildings from local villages.

This was a most enjoyable social meet between friends. Lots of chat and good times.

Attending. Paul and Anne Dover, Tim and Elaine Josephy, Peter and Ann Chadwick with Pippin, Ian and Una Laing, Dennis and Joan Armstrong, Richard and Elizabeth Gowing, Mike and Marcia Godden, Richard and Gail Taylor and Alan and Angie Linford.

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