Covid-19 and the YRC: 2 June update


Here’s an update on the current situation with respect to YRC meets and huts.

The rules about coronavirus have changed a bit since the last Newsletter: we are now allowed to meet outdoors in groups of up to 6 – provided we stay 2 metres apart from anyone outside our own household – but not stay away from home overnight. Obviously this means that standard meets are still impossible (though a few of us could meet for a socially-distant walk), and our huts remain closed; meets are being cancelled on a rolling basis – where possible Tim is re-booking for approximately the same time next year, so the 2021 meets list, at least for Spring and early Summer, will look a lot like 2020. Members will be informed of changes as they occur.

Please enjoy the good weather, but be sensible and stay safe.

Rory Newman


The BMC has also updated its current guidance on climbing and hillwalking in England and in Wales.

MS advice on hill-walking, mountaineering, skiing and climbing in Scotland is different.

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