The aims of the Club are to organise walking, mountaineering and skiing excursions, to encourage the exploration of caves and potholes and the pursuit of other outdoor activities and to gather and promote knowledge concerning natural history, archaeology, folklore and kindred subjects.
Who can join?
The Club welcomes and encourages applications for membership from any person over eighteen showing interest in the Club’s objectives and who can demonstrate their eligibility for membership to the Club Committee.
Applications are welcome from relative novices as well as from fully fledged hill-walkers, scramblers, mountaineers, climbers and cavers. However, applicants are expected to show that they have achieved, or have the potential to achieve, a certain minimum level of competency in their chosen field of activity (climbing, caving, ski mountaineering, ski-touring, snowshoeing, mountaineering, scrambling and/or hillwalking) in order to operate safely and knowledgeably. Applicants whose only experience and aspiration is limited to short day walks in undemanding terrain are unlikely to achieve the required standard.

How do I find out more?
Simply contact Helen Smith, the Membership Secretary or Mick Borroff, the Secretary using the Contact Form. Helen or Mick will then get in touch with you to have a chat about the YRC and to answer your questions about the Club.
How do I join?
Once you have decided that you are interested in joining, the next step is to ask Helen Smith, the Membership Secretary to send you an Application Form for Prospective Membership. Applicants are required to give details of their relevant current experience for consideration by the Committee and provide necessary contact details.
As a Prospective Member you will usually attend a minimum of three full active Club Meets in order to acquire a feel for the Club and it’s ethos, get to meet some of our members and, of course, for us to get to know you on the hill before you apply for Full Membership.
The Membership Secretary and Meet Leaders will help you to book on your first Club Meet and will facilitate transport and introductions, especially if you’ve had no previous contact with the Club. You will be warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. For more information see the A Typical YRC Meet page.
As a Prospective Member you may stay overnight in either of the Club Huts at the standard guest rate. This reduces to the Member’s rate on joining as a Full Member.
Becoming a Full Member
Once you have attended a number of meets you will be encouraged to apply for Full Membership. The Membership Secretary will send you an Application Form for Full Membership for completion. You will then require two Club Members to formally support your application: one to act as Proposer and the other as Seconder. Election is then at the discretion of the Committee. The Candidates name will be circulated to every member of the Club by email at least seven days before ballot of the Committee and a candidate must gain 75% of the votes cast. The Membership Secretary will inform you of the decision.
How long does it take to join the YRC?
Since we ask that you attend at least three full active Club Meets, the duration of your Prospective Membership is really up to you and perhaps the current level of competence in your chosen activities. Once you have the support of a Proposer and Seconder, the processing of your application by the Committee is normally completed within two weeks.
How much does Membership cost?
Prospective Membership is free for the first three months. Thereafter, £29.33 is payable in 2025 which includes becoming a BMC Club Member (£14.67 after 1st July) with its attendant benefits which include liability insurance. Full YRC membership for 2024-25 costs £65.00 and £32.50 for those under 25 or in full-time education. Full YRC members resident overseas pay £45.00.
What are the benefits of Joining?
Read about all the benefits of YRC membership here.
For more information and a Prospective Member application form please contact the Membership Secretary.