June 2020 Newsletter

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Covid-19 and the YRC: 2 June update

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Here’s an update on the current situation with respect to YRC meets and huts. The rules about coronavirus have changed a bit since the last Newsletter: we are now allowed to meet outdoors in groups of up to 6 – provided we stay 2 metres apart from anyone outside our own household – […]

Covid-19 and the YRC: 16 May update

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Here’s an update on the current situation with respect to YRC meets and huts. We are still being asked not to gather in groups, to observe social distancing outside our own households, and not to stay away from home overnight. This currently rules out most normal club meets; social distancing would be very […]

Welcome to the new YRC Website

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Welcome to the new upgraded YRC website, which went live on May 5th. I think everyone will see this as a big improvement: it looks better and it seems to work better. Huge thanks to Mick Borroff for taking the lead on this development and to Tim Josephy, Richard Josephy, Becca Humphreys, Michael […]

Covid-19: Meet Cancellations

The priority of your Committee is to ensure the safety of Club members and we also wish to minimise the financial impact on the providers of the accommodation we use. We have therefore decided to take the following actions: – Lake District, Newlands, 29-31 May. This will be moved to 9-11 April 2021.  – Pyrenees, […]

Morocco, Anti-Atlas, Tafraout

Meet Report: 7-19 March 2020. Following well-attended club meets in Tafraout in 2009 and an excellent trek across the Jebel Sarhro in 2016, we returned to the Anti-Atlas area of Morocco having planned a fortnight’s meet in two halves. A dozen members flew into Agadir and hired cars to travel to the market town of […]

Honorary Member Chewang Motup Goba Honoured

We are delighted to inform you that Motup has been conferred with Padma Shri which was announced on India’s Republic Day in January. Think the equivalent of an MBE … The Padma Awards are one of India’s highest civilian honours and are conferred in various fields of activities, including trade and industry. The Padma Shri […]

Covid-19 and the YRC

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE This is an exceptional situation, and I think as a club we need to take a serious but sensible and proportionate approach. Let’s start with the good news; at the time of writing it still seems OK to go out in your locality and enjoy the countryside in groups of 2 or less […]

Scottish Winter Meet, Crianlarich

Meet Report: 20-23 February 2020. The journey north as is often the case was accompanied by fair weather. A brief stop was made at Callander to purchase the final provisions and have a cheery chat in the butchers and bakery. The forecast was for strong winds and a continuation of the previous very wet weather […]

North Wales Winter Meet, Ogwen

Meet Report: 31 January – 2 February 2020. Twelve members of the European Union gathered at Helyg for a wet and windy meet. By the end of the evening they had all quit (pace M Smith). Luckily they were all made of stern stuff and it was only the EU they left, not the YRC. […]