North Wales Winter Meet, Rhyd-Ddu

Castell Dinas Bran near Llangollen before the weather changed

Meet Report: 24-26 February 2017. The Welsh winter meet has a reputation for foul weather and this weekend based at the Oread MC’s Tan-y-Wyddfa hut in Rhyd-Ddu did nothing to break with tradition. Friday had started promisingly and some members managed to get a short afternoon walk before the inevitable deterioration began. Luckily the pub […]

Norway, Ski Touring North of Lillehammer


Meet Report: 8-15 February 2017. This week-long trip used DNT self-service huts in the hills north of Lillehammer for a 100km cross-country ski tour. The meet was blessed with good snow and weather, with the air temperature starting around -20°C and gradually warming to just below freezing. Kjetil Tveranger, being familiar with the area, organised […]

Scotland, Cairngorms

Meet Report: 2-5 February 2017. The journey northwards met darkening skies, rain and mist. Moments of optimism were dashed at the Glenshee Ski Centre where only brown grass and heather was visible in the swirling mist. The Centre looked moribund. The small party of seven arrived at the Linn of Dee staying at the Cairngorm […]

France, Jura Winter Meet – Snowshoe Heaven

Rime-iced pylon on Columby de Gex summit

Meet Report: 14-20 January 2017. Introduction The Haut Jura straddles the Franco-Swiss border to the north of Geneva and is characterised by long parallel limestone ridges and valleys along a northeast-southwest axis.  Moving SW along this ridge from the north, the principal summits include Le Chasseron (1607m), Mt d’Or (1462m), Dent de Vaulion (1483m), Mt […]

New Year Meet, Low Hall Garth

Above the temperature inversion in Little Langdale

Meet Report: 6-8 January 2017. Those booked in on the meet were asked to share transport where practicable on account of the limited parking above LHG and many heeded this request. The first arriver called in on the Australian renters of the neighbouring NT cottage and explained that over twenty mountaineers were arriving and gave […]