Mid Wales Meet, Torrent Walk Bunkhouse

Meet Report: 6-8 August 2021. This was our first fully accommodated meet in 18 months, so we were quite excited to get back to normal club activities. Even though the weather forecast was terrible, 11 brave souls, including Imogen and Ged Campion, who arrived 24hrs later, met up at the Torrent Walk Campsite where we […]


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Burnsall Camping meet, Hartlington Mill

Meet Report: 23-25 July 2021. By Friday evening 18 members, PMs and guests had arrived at George and Vivienne Burfitt’s beautiful home at Hartlington Mill. Set in 5½ acres of wooded valley, the campsite was in a circular clearing just above the millpond and accessed by a footbridge across Barben Beck (fast flowing despite the […]

June 2021 Newsletter

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North Wales Camping Meet, Llyn Gwynant

Meet Report: 11-13 June 2021. By sunset ten members, a guest and six PMs had pitched tents at the beautifully situated but busy campsite on the shore of Llyn Gwynant. It was somewhat dreary but we were all encouraged by the very promising forecast for the rest of the weekend. Saturday dawned rather overcast and […]

Wensleydale Camping Meet, Semer Water

Meet Report: 21-23 May 2021. After a long and challenging winter of uncertainty, Covid restrictions and minimal club activity the first meet was .always going to be a joyous occasion – sadly nobody told the weather! Following on from the best practice set out in 2020, it was another camping meet, this time at Stablefell […]

April 2021 Newsletter

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December 2020 Newsletter

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The “Would If We Could” Christmas Meet

Meet Report: 5 December 2020. “He picked up the lemons that Fate had sent him and started a lemonade-stand.” Elbert Green Hubbard 1915. Is there anything you can’t do by Zoom? So far this year, the club has held committee meetings, the AGM/EGM and a series of quizzes by this ubiquitous program. The time had […]

November 2020 Newsletter

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