Author: Michael Smith
Meet Report: 11-13 June 2024. Cool but dry weather graced the meet and encouraged a variety of activities. Solvig was first to the hut and went straight off to Blea Tarn and Side Pike doing battle with the dense bracken. The other three early arrivers headed straight up to Runestone Quarry (see YRCJ 2003 p89-91) where […]
Meet Report: May 2024. This was the fourth in a series of YRC meets in the Bolivian Andes. Whereas the previous ones in the Apolobamba 1988, central Cordilleras Real & Cocapata 1999, and Quimsa Cruz 2010 were exploratory, the first two making first ascents, this fourth one visited more-easily accessed, higher peaks closer to La […]
Meet Report: 12-14 January 2024. With good winter climbing conditions in Scotland there was some hope of snow in the Lakes for this traditional first meet of the year in Little Langdale. This was not to be, though walking conditions were good and there was surprising activity on the meet. The saturated ground of recent […]
Meet Report: 7-9 July 2023. The Walker Walls residential centre a mile or so southwest of Wooler saw fifteen members gathering on Friday evening. For many this is a less familiar area so maps were out and there was discussion of which length of walk to plan on tackling and in which direction, clockwise or the […]
Meet Report: 11-13 November 2022. This Annual Dinner marked the end of the YRC’s 130th year. It was a blend of the traditional and the new. The AGM was back to being held before the Dinner, Kindred Clubs were again invited to send a representative and the event ended with the singing of Yorkshire, first […]
Meet Report: 20-28 May 2022. This was an active meet held in Kincraig, a relatively quiet and attractive part of the Southern Cairngorms which provided a variety of activities in a week of showery and windy weather with sunny spells. Six of those signed up for this meet arrived at the Ladies’ Scottish Climbing Club’s […]
Meet Report: 30 March-6 April 2022. Eight members went on a week’s hut-to-hut ski tour round Norway’s Langsua National Park, west of Lillehammer, encountering fewer than ten people but several hundred reindeer. For members returning from the rather wet and grey Costa Blanca meet with only a few days to reorganise kit for this ski […]
Meet Report: 10-12 September 2021. Times change and with them this meet. Your scribe recalls sodden weekends, steaming aged tweeds worn by seasoned climbers, and the most senior members hunched round the fireplace being characteristic of Joint Meets. Well-known attendees I recall are Ivan Waller, AB Hargreaves, Cliff Downham, George Spenceley and his guest Harry […]
A collection of comments about our activities during lockdown Tuesday 30 Jun 2020, Outer Edge There are seven members in Sheffield but for the chosen day their work and filial commitments, coupled with the wet forecast reduced them to a ripe old pair. They met in a cloud amidst the cloudberry strewn moor of Outer […]
Meet Report: 3-10 April 2019. Three members arrived a week early for this meet and put in some practice a little further north in Oppdal at the invitation of Knut Tønsberg, principal guest at the 2017 Dinner. Kjetil Tveranger even managed a five-pitch ice climb with Knut. The weather was not ideal after a winter […]