Christmas meet, Hag Dyke

Meet Report: 8-10 December 2023. Above Kettlewell, at 467m high on the slopes of Great Whernside, Hag Dyke has a special place in the hearts of long-standing members, having seen a string of meets in living memory. It was the finish point of the seven peaks long walk in June 1978 when the start was […]

109th Annual Dinner Weekend

Meet Report: 17-19 November 2023 at the Falcon Manor Hotel, Settle. To begin at the beginning, four years ago six members arrived at their last cabin on a week’s ski tour in Norway. With the strong, cold wind behind them it had been good day: over a pass, down a series of lakes, crossing a […]

Scottish Winter Meet, Glen Etive

10-13 February 2024. We return to Inbhir Fhaolain, the Grampian Club’s hut in Glen Etive after a gap of seven years. Derek Bush used to be the doyen of Etive meet leaders; Chris Hilton has ably stepped up in his place and will be providing the traditional haggis. Sadly (or happily) he can’t play the […]

North Wales winter meet, Capel Curig

1-3 March 2024 at the Gwydyr MC’s hut Tan-y-Garth in Capel Curig. . The hut lies in a very peaceful, scenic area of woodland at the base of Moel Siabod, and the area around Tan-y-Garth is rich in wildlife, birds and pipistrelle bats. Aside from the mountains, the Gwydyr forest is close by, providing plenty […]

Lake District meet, Wasdale

22-24 March 2024 at the FRCC’s hut Brackenclose, recently reopened after a fire in 2019. The hut is situated at the head of the Wasdale valley right in the heart of the highest Lakeland mountains. Wasdale was the birthplace of English mountaineering, a tradition even older than the YRC itself. The Scafells and the Gables […]

Joint meet, Langdale, with the Wayfarers’ Club

Meet Report: 15-17 September 2023 at the Wayfarers’ Robertson Lamb Hut. Early birds arrived on Thursday, and Mike Gregg had a long walk on Friday, despite the changeable weather. Dave Carpenter did a tour of Whymore Fell and Cathedral Cavern in the rain. Other less hardy souls arrived from Friday lunch time, hung around in […]

Introductory meet

Meet Report: 25-28 August 2023 at Lowstern. The introductory meet invariably brings new faces to meet the regulars and this was no exception.  This time the five youngsters were all aged about eight and predominantly wearing pink and decided teenager Lucy was their leader – she kept them amused with great forbearance. One PM arriving […]

Moroccan Anti-Atlas: Tafraout and Jebel Sirwa trek

6-20th April 2024. We are planning a return to the Anti-Atlas area of Morocco for a fortnight’s meet in two halves. We will fly into Agadir and hire cars to travel to the market town of Tafraout for a week of walking, scrambling and trad climbing based in a hotel. People can then return to […]

North Wales climbing meet

Meet Report: 16-18 June 2023. Seven members a PM and a guest attended this most successful and enjoyable meet at the Clogwyn MC’s hut The Old Stable, situated on the road to Croesor near Plas Brondanw, erstwhile home of Clough Williams Ellis. Williams Ellis was the celebrated Welsh architect who created the fantasy Italianate village of […]

Wicklow Mountains, Ireland

Meet Report: 27 May – 3 June 2023. The Wicklow mountains are the hills nearest Dublin and form the largest area of upland in Ireland, the highest point being the Irish ‘Munro’ of Lugnaquillia (925m). The Wicklows encompass many granite peaks, with classic post-glacial topography i.e. deep glaciated valleys, dramatic corries and mountain lakes with […]