108th Annual Dinner weekend

Meet Report: 11-13 November 2022. This Annual Dinner marked the end of the YRC’s 130th year. It was a blend of the traditional and the new. The AGM was back to being held before the Dinner, Kindred Clubs were again invited to send a representative and the event ended with the singing of Yorkshire, first […]

Lake District meet, Thirlmere

Meet Report: 28-30 October 2022. Based at the Gritstone Club’s hut The Smithy at the head of Thirlmere. Home on Sunday evening, after a few reviving cups of tea, a meal and a good soak in a hot bath your scribe considered this a good weekend’s walking.  There were times though on Saturday and Sunday […]

Northern Pennines meet

Meet Report: 7-9 October 2022 at Haggs Bank Bunkhouse, Nenthead. Pre-meet activities 7th October Helen and Michael timed their arrival at Forest-in Teesdale for the start of the dry weather and followed the southern side of the swollen Tees upstream to near Falcon Clints. After crossing Cronkley Fell they used the Pennine Way back to […]

Arran Meet, Lochranza

Meet Report: 23-25 September 2022. Lochranza SYHA. Arran was last visited by the club in 2018 and so this meet was very much looked forward to having been postponed twice due to Covid in 2020 and 2021. Nine members and a guest enjoyed the facilities of the Lochranza SYHA at the northern end of the […]

Social meet, Dovedale, Peak District

Meet Report: 12-15 September. Based at the Izaak Walton Hotel, Ilam village. This was a select gathering of just four couples with Helen and Michael Smith joining us for Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday was wet and miserable making for difficult travelling conditions but then normal service was resumed and we enjoyed blues skies and warm […]

Joint meet, Wayfarers’ Club

Meet Report: 2-4 September 2022. By Friday evening most of the meet had arrived at Lowstern. A populous tented village had sprung up outside and the kitchen was busy with people cooking their evening meals. During the afternoon several parties were out. Mick Borroff climbed Ingleborough from Newby Cote, descending via Gaping Gill and a […]

Introductory Meet, Lowstern

Meet Report: 19-21 August 2022. With several members living nearby who were able to ‘pop in’ for varying periods of time, German cavers/photographers in the vicinity (more later) and unfortunate last-minute withdrawals owing to injury or Covid infection, it became increasingly difficult to keep track of the comings and goings at Lowstern. By Saturday evening […]

YRC130³ Project Report

The Yorkshire Ramblers’ Club collectively marked their 130th year by visiting the tops of 130 of Yorkshire’s hills, fells, mounds and tumps in no more than 130 days – our YRC130³ project. So enthusiastic were 52 YRC members that all 130 had been ticked off in just 51 days. In the autumn of 2021, our […]

Long Walk, Beacons Way, S Wales

Meet Report: 15-17 July 2022. 12 members came to the Star Bunkhouse in Bwlch, South Wales to walk part of the Beacons Way. The weather was really good although it did get hotter during the weekend. Michael and Helen arrived at Bwlch early on Friday and decided to make life easier for themselves on Saturday […]

France, Eastern Pyrenees

Meet Report: 15-22 June 2022. Hut to hut touring in the Massif du Canigou. At last, this meet, originally scheduled for 2020 and organised by Kjetil Tveranger, actually got underway but not without hiccoughs. Our original flight from Stansted to Perpignan was cancelled and everyone had to rebook which involved rescheduling the whole trip. Also […]