Camping Meet, Swaledale

On the Pennine Way above Thwaite

Meet Report: 11-13 August 2020. Challenging times call for thinking outside of the box solutions and by early evening 10 members, a PM and guest had arrived at the Usha Gap campsite in Muker. This must be the first YRC UK mainland camping meet for some considerable time. Covid-19 had played havoc with the meet […]

Not the Long Walk

Meet Report: 17-26 July 2020. Collectively 50 of us walked and ran 1165 miles (1874km), cycled 413 miles (665km) and there were 122 visits to trig points. As with the covid 19 statistics, the figures are known to be far higher. Kayaking in Sweden and caving in Yorkshire were also on the agenda. Congratulations to […]

Day meet notes

A collection of comments about our activities during lockdown Tuesday 30 Jun 2020, Outer Edge There are seven members in Sheffield but for the chosen day their work and filial commitments, coupled with the wet forecast reduced them to a ripe old pair. They met in a cloud amidst the cloudberry strewn moor of Outer […]

Morocco, Anti-Atlas, Tafraout

Meet Report: 7-19 March 2020. Following well-attended club meets in Tafraout in 2009 and an excellent trek across the Jebel Sarhro in 2016, we returned to the Anti-Atlas area of Morocco having planned a fortnight’s meet in two halves. A dozen members flew into Agadir and hired cars to travel to the market town of […]

Scottish Winter Meet, Crianlarich

Meet Report: 20-23 February 2020. The journey north as is often the case was accompanied by fair weather. A brief stop was made at Callander to purchase the final provisions and have a cheery chat in the butchers and bakery. The forecast was for strong winds and a continuation of the previous very wet weather […]

North Wales Winter Meet, Ogwen

Meet Report: 31 January – 2 February 2020. Twelve members of the European Union gathered at Helyg for a wet and windy meet. By the end of the evening they had all quit (pace M Smith). Luckily they were all made of stern stuff and it was only the EU they left, not the YRC. […]

Lake District, Not the LHG New Year Meet

Meet Report: 9-12 January 2020. The usual Low Hall Garth January Meet recruited well with a handful of prospective members also signed up. Robert Crowther had done his calculations and already bought the non-perishable foods when he heard that there was no water supply to the cottage. Our Secretary and others tried alternative venues without […]

Christmas Meet, Lowstern

Meet Report: 6-8 December 2019. It is that time of the year when there is excitement in the air and everything feels special and this meet was no exception. To spend time with friends from scattered places around Britain for laughs and chat is something that the YRC is good at. We also made some […]

106th Annual Dinner Weekend

Meet Report: 16-17 November 2019. Following a long period of exceptionally heavy rain and in the run up to an election, 64 members and guests assembled for the 2019 Annual Dinner. By common consent political and Brexit-related topics were largely avoided. Despite indifferent weather the event was the usual social success with plenty of exercise […]

Scotland, Ardgour

Meet Report: 10-13 Oct 2019. Is it connected with memories of Yorkshire’s maritime adventurers such as Cook and Scoresby or recalling crossings to mainland Europe en route to the Alps that make those few minutes on the Corran ferry set meets on Ardgour and Ardnamurchan apart from the usual run of meets? On Thursday, the three cars […]