April 5-12th 2025 at the Villa Mandarina in Calpe. Those who have been on one of these excellent Spanish spring meets will need no recommendation.
For those new to the area suffice to say that there are almost limitless opportunities for mountain walking, scrambling, climbing and canyoning in an area of great beauty, particularly at this time of year when the almond trees should be in full bloom. In addition to checking out previous YRC meet reports, you can take a look at two of the local ex-pats websites: Bob Hall and Costa Blanca Mountain Friends to see what’s on offer. Cicerone also have two excellent guidebooks Walking on the Costa Blanca and Costa Blanca Mountain Adventures. Bespoke digital mapping is also available.
The villa has 7 bedrooms and sleeps 16. Although prices have increased over the last few years it is still pretty cheap at around £200 per person for the week.
Full details for the meet will be added later but please sign up as soon as you can.
The response so far has been very positive and the villa spaces are already filled. However it is likely that one or two may cancel later and if there is more interest it may be possible to rent further accommodation. If you wish to be put on a waiting list there is now a field in the Options table for you to fill in.

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