Here’s the next coronavirus update: for what feels like a welcome change, there is some good news. Covid-19 is still around and we still need to be careful, but a lot of work behind the scenes enables us to OPEN OUR HUTS for members only. Lowstern is open for bookings from 30th July, and Low Hall Garth from 6th August. The huts are ONLY open for bookings from YRC Members, and for limited periods and numbers. Details can be found on the Members-only area of the website – please do NOT visit either hut without a prior booking – but all bookings must be made via Richard Josephy, our Hut Bookings Secretary.

I would like to think the Hut Wardens, Richard Sealey and Alister Renton (together with his deputy Ged Campion)  for much work in preparing the huts, Mick Borroff for sorting out a load of necessary paperwork, Robert Crowther for a Lowstern kitchen deep clean, the Committee for a series of virtual meetings to get this organised, and the team of volunteers who have been visiting Lowstern to prevent Legionnaire’s disease.

Government advice still involves social distancing, which makes traditional meets impossible, but as you will see there’s a socially distant camping meet in Swaledale coming up, and plans for more. Members are already organising day meets for socially distant walks, and I am looking forward to seeing how far we collectively got – and how many trig points we visited – on the virtual Long Walk last week.  So let’s get together sensibly and enjoy the countryside – but continue to take care of ourselves and each other.

Rory Newman


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