Meet Report: 24-26 August 2018.

Most of the meet had arrived at Lowstern by Friday evening. The original leader had to cancel at short notice because of unexpected work commitments; the replacement was unable to get there until later, so the assembled community had to fend for themselves for Saturday breakfast.
By the time the new meet caterer arrived everyone had departed on their adventures so he walked up Ingleborough through the Estate then down to Horton and back via Crummackdale and Norber. Arriving at the Reading Room in Clapham in the late afternoon he was surprised to find no YRC in residence. What is the world coming to?
Sadly there was only one youngster on the meet, Paul Dover’s granddaughter Lucy, aged nine. Nevertheless a caving trip was organised.
Michael Smith and John Brown conducted Lucy and her father, Jimi, around Upper and Lower Long Churn. Lucy thoroughy enjoyed the experience and all the water, causing some consternation by disappearing up sundry tiny ratholes which were impassable by her minders either because of physical size or ability.

In the afternoon they made an expedition to the Norber erratics where Lucy was again suitably impressed.
John and Carol Whalley accompanied the cavers for a while to take photos whilst the rest of the meet enjoyed the splendid late summer sunshine walking from the hut.
Albert Chapman joined the meet for dinner, bringing a gift of bottles of wine.
Sunday was a thoroughly wet day. Lucy was keen to go underground again, so with an eye to water levels, Great Douk was chosen and traversed by the same party as the previous day. In the afternoon they dodged the rain by visiting the climbing wall. The party there comprised the Browns, Paul Dover and the Sarakuns.
The Whalleys and Michael Smith set off for home and the rest splashed their way from the hut around Norber and Crummackdale guided mainly by Alan Linford’s memory.
As it was a bank holiday weekend most of the meet stayed on for Sunday night. By Monday breakfast Lucy, who had been giving a fair impression of the Duracell bunny all weekend looked a little tired but with a good forecast was ready to set off for a walk with her father and grandfather.
Everyone enjoyed the meet but it was sad that no other youngsters were tempted to come. Maybe next year?
Attending: Paul Dover, Jimi Sarakun (G), Lucy Sarakun (G), Alan Linford, Dorothy Heaton, John Whalley, Carol Whalley, John Brown, Ros Brown (G), Michael Smith, Tim Josephy, Albert Chapman (for Saturday dinner).

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