Meet Report: 25-28 August 2017.

After arriving at Lowstern on Thursday, John helped Alan by cutting the grass so the campers had nice short grass to camp on. Friday dawned fair but cloudy so John, Ros and Alan walked up to Ingleborough via Gaping Ghyll where they called in on the CPC winch meet. They descended Ingleborough on the Horton path and made their way to Long Lane and then to the nature reserve path followed by a pint at The Reading Room.
Most of the other members arrived on Friday afternoon or evening, many having experienced traffic congestion en route.
Friday afternoon Dotti walked through the fields to Austwick then returned via Townhead, Thwaite Lane, the Reading Room and the Photographic Exhibition in Clapham Village Hall. Paul and Billy walked up to Clapdale and returned via Long Lane.
Saturday, was a day of contrasts. Nicholas Dunford and family arrived Saturday morning after an early morning drive. Five of the younger family members were kitted out with climbing harnesses and the beginners given basic instruction on how to attach the climbing ropes. Then most of the group went with the five young climbers to the Inglesport climbing wall to instruct and help with the belaying.
Hannah, Clare and Josh Dunford all made rapid progress and by the end of the session were top roping up to grade 4 climbs. Billy, despite not climbing for 2 years, lead climbed a 4a then ‘top roped an adjacent grade 6b. They also climbed various parts of the bouldering walls. After over 3 hours climbing, arms and fingers were tiring and lunch was called for.

In the afternoon the Dunford Family ascended Ingleborough from and to Chapel-le-Dale, Billy and Marko walked back to Lowstern via the “old road” whilst Phil and Paul walked from Chapel-le-Dale to Lowstern via Ingleborough and Newby.
Becca ran up Trow Gill to Gaping Ghyll and back by the bridleway (10k), then to Clapham for a restorative pint in The Reading Room. Curiously, the Traslers were already in residence having left supper to marinade so a gentle stroll was made back to Lowstern once closing time arrived. (It arrives early in The Reading Room!)
Dorothy ascended Ingleborough via Gaping Ghyll returning via Sulber Nick and Long Lane whilst Martyn and Matthew completed a tour of Penyghent.
Claire and Michael Woolston spent the day at Hawes and visited the Wensleydale Cheese Factory, with Georgia. She loves cheese so I think this went down well with all the sampling, then John took the youngest guest Georgia Woolston into Yordas Cave, no mean feat at only 2.5 years.
All enjoyed Martyn’s leisurely dinner for which we were joined by Albert.
Sunday, Billy and Marco wanted to go caving, so John took them to the Long Churn system for a couple of hours’ exploring. It gave them a chance to explore under supervision; both thoroughly enjoyed the ‘wet’ experience. It ignited Billy’s interest in caving having previously expressed a disinterest as previous underground trips ‘were boring’. They are now looking forward to the next such opportunity.
While waiting for Aaron and Ged, Alan and Tony taught some basic abseil technique on a tree in the grounds with Tony’s grandchildren.
Ged and Aaron Campion joined the meet and guided the Dunford family with Paul and Phil sport climbing on Gigglewick South; a clean almost vertical cliff near the School with a large number of mostly high grade climbs. Aaron and Ged led: Over the garden wall 5+, Atomic Kitten 6a, Ruddy Red Cat 5 and Crazy Paver 6a+. Members of the party then belayed Clare, Josh and Hannah who got to the top of most of the climbs, followed by Paul and Tony eager to climb at least up to the crux.

It was then back to Lowstern for a late relaxing lunch following which most set off for home after an enjoyable dry (except for the caving) and sunny weekend.
Paul and Billy enjoyed and extra night and after dinner, Billy performed a wide range of guitar music. On Monday, they walked onto Embsay Crag on another clear day with excellent views over Skipton and the surrounding area before returning to Cambridge.
This was another very successful family meet during which young family members were introduced to climbing and caving. Thanks to Martyn for his organisation and catering ably assisted by Matthew.
John Brown, Ros Brown (F), Michael Woolston (F), Claire Woolston (F), Georgia Woolston (F), Ged Campion, Aaron Campion (F), Paul Dover, Billy Sarakun (F), Philip Dover, Marko Vasilic (F), Tony Dunford, Nicholas Dunford (F), Joshua Dunford (F), Clare Dunford (F), Hannah Dunford (F), Dotti Heaton, Becca Humphreys (PM), Alan Linford, Martyn Trasler, Matthew Trasler (F).
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