Meet Report: 23-26 August 2024.

The second half of August brings around our customary Introductory Meet held as usual at Lowstern. Those attending, a small but select bunch, assembled on the Friday evening after travelling from various locations with the longest travel award going to Paul Dover and granddaughter Lucy for their ten-plus hour journey on public transport from Cambridge. Three generations of Crowther’s headed by Robert with son Michael and granddaughter Grace arrived late afternoon and the Trasler contingent of Lizzie and Matthew along with Dan Curtis arrived later to link up with Martyn who had arrived the previous evening.
Becca, hosting this weekend, greeted all with a hearty homemade carrot-based soup and a warming fire both of which were most welcome.
Saturday started with Becca’s customary full Yorkshire breakfast, including black pudding, which set everyone up for the day. We were joined for this by Debbie Kuhlman and PM Andy Barton who arrived for the day.
We split into two groups for the Saturday. Paul, Lucy, Michael and Grace joined Debbie and Becca at the climbing wall in Ingleton. Given the mixed weather forecast, indoor climbing and bouldering was the order of the day for them.

The other group comprising of Martyn, Matthew, Lizzie, Dan, Andy and Robert went for a walk from the hut to go over Ingleborough via Norber. Having arrived in Clapham, just as they were about to go through the tunnels leading towards Thwaite Lane the heavens opened and down came a biblical volume of water for the next twenty minutes or so. This settled thereafter and it turned into quite a pleasant walk although some boots did not stand up to the deluge. Having crossed the stile into the fields past the barn, in the next field they walked over to the Norber Erratics and across to the large cairn on the Pennine Bridleway from where they headed for Nick Pot and the path along the side of Simon Fell up onto Ingleborough. There a brief stop for lunch was taken. Good views were not the order of the day.

The descent took them past Gaping Gill and through Trow Gill, past the cave entrance and then taking the path up to Clapdale to avoid the increased £2.50 charge to walk through the estate.
A couple of beers were taken at the Lakehouse, the old manor house in Clapham, before returning to Lowstern and Becca’s “We’re having a barbeque” despite the weather conditions.
Sunday brought more unsettled weather. After breakfast Grace got her wish to go to the climbing wall once more with Michael and Robert, assisted by Becca. The others, excepting Lucy, visited Skipton castle to take in a bit of history.
In the evening Becca provided a chilli con carne before the usual amiable, wide-ranging conversations in the comfort of a warming fire.
Attendees: Andy Barton (PM)*, Grace Crowther (JPM), Michael Crowther, Robert Crowther, Daniel Curtis (G), Lucy Dover-Sarakun (PM), Paul Dover, Becca Humphreys, Debbie Kuhlman*, Lizzie Trasler (PM), Martyn Trasler, Matthew Trasler (PM). [* Day visitors]
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