In Memoriam

Tempest Anderson, M.D., D.Sc. – In Dr. Anderson the Club has lost one of its most distinguished members and York one of its most prominent citizens. A skilful medical man, a keen traveller and mountaineer, and a loyal and devoted son of his native city, his quiet genial manners and obvious sincerity and kindness of heart made him a welcome everywhere. His friend and travel-companion, Mr. Yeld, has spoken of him and his works so fully in the Alpine Journal (Vol. 4VII., p. 2I7), that we can only take this opportunity of recording our sincere appreciation of his character and keen sense of the loss which the Club has suffered by his death.

James Buckley – Although Mr. Buckley had only been a member of the Club since 1906, he was our oldest member in age, and by his keen love of rambling – in his youth as a pedestrian in the Yorkshire Dales, Cumberland, North Wales, Ireland and Switzerland, and in later years as a tourist through the greater part of Europe, North and South Africa, North America and Australasia – had fully proved his title to membership. He was a keen politician, a cultured musician, a prominent Freemason and a close student of astronomy, having twice viewed a total solar eclipse with the Royal British Astronomical Society. Our sincere sympathy is extended to his son, Mr. J. H. Buckley, our Sub-editor and Librarian.