War Services
The following served Overseas:-
W. Allsup, August 1914, Private, Loyal N. Lancs. Reg.; 1915, Sec.-Lieut. and Lieut.: Wounded at Passchendaele; Assistant Inspector of Guns.
J. C. Appleyard, 1916, Private, 26th Royal Fusiliers; France, August 1916; transferred 12th Middlesex, Corporal; Wounded; 1918 with 41st Chinese Labour Co.
John.T. Bain, May 1915, Lieut., A.S.C.; promoted Captain. December 1915, Major; August 1915, Dardanelles; 1916 and 1917, Egypt and Palestine; September 1917, Major, R.E.
C. R. Barran, enlisted April 1916; August, Sec.-Lieut., 185th H.B., R.G.A.; January 1917, Salonika; transferred 20th Batt. in 1918; attached Q. Branch, G.H.Q., Salonika, June 1918.
B. A. Bates, January 1915, Sec.-Lieut., 3rd York and Lancaster Reg.; Captain in 1917; 1915, France – Ypres, Loos, awarded M.C.; 1916, A.D.C.,28th Division; Salonika, three years, finally Dardanelles and Constantinople.
F. H. Barstow, Private, 9th Royal Fusiliers; severely wounded, Somme, 1916.
J. Buckley, 1914, R.A.M.C.; Sec.-Lieut., 1/7th W. Yorks. Reg., December 1915; November 1916, onwards, France, 49th Division; September 1917, Lieut.; 1918, Captain (acting), 7th W. Yorks. Reg.
D. Burrow, 1916, R.A.F., Sergeant; 1918, 11th Argyle and Sutherland, Corporal; France, 1918; wounded on the Somme ; five months in hospital; Army of Occupation.
L. S. Chappell, Lieut.-Commander R.N.V.R., D.S.O. At . Zeebrugge.
S. S. Chappell, 1914, enlisted E. Yorks. Reg.; November, Sec.-Lieut., 5th K.O.Y.L.I.; France, end 1916 ; promoted Captain; severely wounded with loss of left arm, May 1917; Italy, nine months.
C. Chubb, enlisted 1914, Sec.-Lieut., Lieut., and Captain, A.S.C. (M.T.); served in France as Workshop and Instructional Officer.
E. Kitson Clark, mobilised 1914, Lieut.-Col., 8th W. Yorks. Reg.; France, 1915-1918, with 49th Division; owing to an accident transferred to O.C., 49th Base Depot.
G. Cowpe, 1914, R.A.M.C. ; 1915, France ; Sec.-Lieut., R.A.F. ; Lieut., 10th Bn. E. Yorks. Regt.
E. H. CRoft, 1914, commission R.E., Northern Signal Corps (T.F.); Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine, April 1915 – August 1918.
H. P. Devenish, 1914, Sec.-Lieut., 7th E. Surrey Reg.; promoted Lieut.; France, 1915, Loos (wounded), Somme, 1916 and 1918 (Wounded).
C. D. Frankland, February 1915, Private, R.A.M.C., 2/1st . W. Riding Field Ambulance; January 1917, France with 62nd Division; Beaumont Hamel, Bullecourt, Avrincourt, Cambrai, Maubeuge; Army of Occupation.
A. R. Glazebrook, mobilised with 7th W. Yorks. Reg. (Leeds Rifles); France 1915 (three years’ service); awarded . M.C.; wounded December 1915; promoted Captain.
A. A. Hall, 1914, Sec.-Lieut., 5th Northumberland Fusiliers, finally Captain; 1916, Captain, 5th S. Stafford Reg.; 1918, Gas Officer, 8th Division, then Chemical Adviser, 13th Corps.
C. Hastings, Private, 25th Royal Fusiliers; became Acting Q.M.S.; three years in East Africa.
J. Hepworth, 1916, Sec.-Lieut., A.S.C.; France, 1917.
S. H. Holmes, 1914, Lieut., R.N.V.R.; served at Scapa Flow.
W. Wells Hood, 1914-1917, Lieut.-Commander, Naval Armoured Cars; 1918, Major, Machine Gun Corps, Armoured Cars; 1914, Belgium; 1915, E. Africa, West Front, Arctic Russia; 1916, Asia Minor and Dobrudja; 1917, Russia (prisoner with Bolshevists); 1918, Persia and Russia; awarded D.S.O., Russian decorations.
G. L. Hudson, 1916 and 1917, Private, 25th Royal Fusiliers; German E. Africa, one year; 1918, 4th Leinster Reg.; Cambridge Cadet School; Sec.-Lieut., Labour Corps.
R. Kerr, Lieut., A.O.C.; served in France.
A. E. Kirk, mobilised 1914, Lieut.-Col., 7th W. Yorks. (Leeds Rifles); April 1915 – June 1919, France, 49th Division; promoted Colonel; mentioned in despatches; O.B.E.
Dr. T. Lovett, R.A.M.C. (four years) ; February 1915, Lieut.; 1916, Captain; 1915-1918, France and one voyage to India; Reg. M.O., 10th Essex and 14th Gloucester, 20th Gen. Hospital, B.E.F.
A. L. Middleton, mobilised 1914, Lieut., W. Riding R.F.A. (T.); Captain, 1916; April 1915 to end 1916, France; Palestine from November 1917.
G. A. Potter-Kirby, Corporal, A.S.C. (2½ years); 1917, Lieut., 189th Labour Co.; 1918, Captain, 45th Chinese Labour Co.; from August 1915, France.
P. Robinson, Motor Cyclist, R.A.F.; France (two years).
W. R. Wilkin, 1915, Private, H.A.C.; 1916, Sec.-Lieut., London Rifle Brigade; France and Belgium; twice wounded; 1917, 2/7th Lancs. Fusiliers; promoted Lieut.; 1918, Adjutant, 66th Division, Reinforcement Wing, 22nd London Reg.
C. R. Wingfield, mobilised 1914, Captain, 3rd (Special Reserve) King’s Shropshire L.I.; promoted Major; October 1916, France, to 5th Batt., Somme, Ancre, Arras; July 1917, Senior Officer’s School, then to HQ., Chester; embodied five years.
A. M. Woodward, November 1915, Sec.-Lieut., Interpreter, Salonika.; May 1917, Intelligence Corps, H.Q., 26th Div., till December 1918; Staff-Lieut. (First C1ass) 1918; twice mentioned in despatches.
G. Winthrop Young (Hon. Member), October 1914-August 1915, in command Friends’ Ambulance Unit, Ypres Sector; then till January 1919, 1st British Ambulance Unit in Italy; severely wounded; Orders of Leopold I. and Crown of Italy, Legion of Honour; Medal for Valour (twice); Italian and Belgian War Crosses, &c.
The following served at home, or have not supplied additional information to the Editor-
J. A. D. Anderson, R.G.A. Cadet School 1918; commissioned.
J. E. Appleyard, Captain, R.A.F.; Inspector of Aircraft (Ireland).
F. Botterill, Sergeant, Record Office, K.O.Y.L.I.; discharged.
H. Brodrick, Lieut., 11th Batt. Royal Defence Corps (Knockaloe Aliens’ Camp).
T. R. Burnett, Sergeant-Instructor, Artists’ Rifles O.T.C.
A. Charlesworth, Sergeant, 7th Res. W. Yorks. Reg. (Gas Instructor).
W. T. A. Claughton, Sec.-Lieut., 20th Royal Fusiliers.
W. H. Greenwood, Captain, 8th W. Yorks. Reg.; mobilised 1914.
Dr. T. Wardrop Griffith, Lieut.-Col., 2nd Northern Gen. Hospital; C.M.G.
A. E. Horn, Private, R.A.F.
E. G. Ireland.
N. K. Jones, Gunner, R.A.
R. N. Middleton, Sec.-Lieut., A.S.C.
C. F. Newman, Sec.-Lieut., 6th King’s Own Yorks. L.I.
C. Scriven, Captain, 5th W. Yorks. Reg. (Nat. Reserve Co.).
F. H. Smallpage, Sec.-Lieut.,, R.G.A.
R. F. Stobart, Private, Grenadier Guards; Sec.-Lieut., 7th K.O.Y.L.I. and 17th Northumberland Fusiliers; invalided out 1915.
Many members, ineligible for Active Service, were engaged in Volunteer Corps, Special Police, or in Government Offices, Munitions &c., and some received rank. It is pleasant to find that these civilians played the game and took no part in the scramble for decorations.