Obituary Gladys Sellers

It is with sorrow that we report the sudden and unexpected death on 24th February of Gladys Sellers of the Lancashire Caving and Climbing Club.

For those members who may not be familiar with this thriving and active club the significance of Gladys cannot be over-emphasised. To describe her role is virtually to describe the post-war history of the club. She was president twice, Vice President for 28 years, Editor for 11 years and served on the committee for 45 years.

Gladys was a sound mountaineer, pot-holer and down-hill skier. She could be seen rock climbing to a high standard at an age when even members of the YRC are beginning to think twice about it.

Perhaps Gladys was wider known as a guide book writer and contributor to the Climber and Hillwalker. Her articles on the testing of gear showed an objectivity which reflected her profession as a research chemist.

Gladys Sellers was a truly remarkable woman and her death will leave a gap, particularly in her club, which will not easily be filled. We send our sympathy to her relatives, close friends and to the LCCC.

Apolobamba Expedition Report

DAV.  © Yorkshire Ramblers' Club
KNAV.  © Yorkshire Ramblers' Club
HMRC. © Yorkshire Ramblers' Club

YRC mail has been subjected to drugs checks. Your editor has recently been in correspondence with the Dutch Alpine Club on matters relating to the 1988 Apolobamba Expedition and their trip to the same area this year. In return for the information supplied their leader sent, through the post, crayons and stencils for our children. The two parcels were intercepted by HM Customs and Excise, Dover, opened and checked for concealed drugs. It appears to have been a fruitless search.

The report from the 1988 Expedition is still in demand with about fifteen copies being sent to clubs or individuals each year. Due to this demand another fifty copies have been printed and are available at the old price of £5 to outside agencies.