Lake District, Low Hall Garth

Meet Report: 15-17 June 2018.

Participants in this meet who had spent the week watering gardens were the first to find where all the rain had gone-the Lake District!

Members and three prospective members and guests, arrived on the Friday evening to be greeted by Carol and John’s wholesome soup. Despite this a few felt the necessity to test the footpath to the Three Shires Inn and it would have been bad manners not to take refreshment after the journey. On the Friday, Mick Borroff and Richard Taylor had completed a circuit above Easedale Tarn in dry weather of Helm Crag, Gibson Knott, Calf Crag and Deer Bield Crag.

On Saturday morning we were greeted by steady rain. Mick had wisely decided that a day at the nearby BMC AGM (under cover) was an essential activity for an active president and disappeared early. Tim Josephy and Richard Taylor felt the necessity to show our guests a good time and “volunteered” to take them up a hill. So the initial party comprising Alan Palmer, Donna Flitcroft and Billy Sarakun were joined by Paul Dover and all donned full rain gear.

Leaving LHG

They went by way of Tilberthwaite over High Rake towards Coniston. At this point wisely Paul elected to keep low and circled back by way of Tarn Hows. The remainder struck out for the heights of Wetherlam. They only knew they had reached the summit when the only way ahead was down.

Tim, Billy, Donna and Alan, Wetherlam summit

A group decision was made not to continue with the water torture and return by way of Great Carrs. It was hoped that the experience had at least demonstrated that YRC are not fair-weather ramblers, and could find their way home. Derek Bush, Andrew Duxbury and Dorothy Heaton completed a circuit of Holme Fell and Tarn Hows and reported no better weather. John and Carol Whalley, who one would have expected were accustomed to being wet, decided that a photographic safari to Cathedral Cave had much appeal.

Cathedral Cave

On return to LHG to enjoy the evening sun a rumour was circulating that we were to be joined by two unexpected mystery guest members. The anticipation was at fever pitch when Ian Crowther and John Jenkin burst in, just as dinner was being served. Fortunately Carol and John had used their well-honed purchasing skills at Aldi to ensure nobody went hungry despite this.

On Sunday Mick resumed his executive presidential role and with Donna, Billy, Paul and Richard did a pleasant circuit of Lingmoor Fell arriving back just as the rain started.

Paul, Billy, Donna, Mick and Richard, Lingmoor Fell

John and Carol, after cleaning the cottage tried to catch up with the Lingmoor party but turned back when heavy rain set in.


Carol and John Whalley, Mick Borroff, Andrew Duxbury, Derek Smithson, Tim Josephy, Dorothy Heaton, Paul Dover, John Jenkin, Donna Flitcroft (guest), Billy Sarakun (guest), Alan Palmer (prospective member)

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