Lowstern Maintenance Meet

2-4th August 2024 at Lowstern. Come and help keep our premier property in top condition. Food and accommodation are free and all materials will be provided. There are no major projects to address this year but there are plenty of maintenance tasks to complete. This meet is always a relaxed and sociable occasion so do come along for the weekend or just a day, whatever you can.

Lowstern Cottage, Clapham SD 7366 6905

If you have not been to Lowstern before please refer to the Lowstern location map . Do not use the postcode in a satnav as it will take you to the wrong place.

This map is interactive so use the tabs to zoom/move around or change from map to satellite view as

For any questions contact Richard Sealey richseal@btinternet.com

Please note that this is a catered meet. Anyone with specific dietary requirements must contact the meet leader well in advance to see whether these can be accommodated or not. This is entirely at the meet leader’s discretion. Catering is provided on the understanding that the absence of any allergens cannot be guaranteed. If you have any specific concerns, discuss them with the meet leader and please consider self-catering.

USE OF BOOKING FORM – Please note: to book yourself on the meet, complete the Options table and then click MAKE BOOKING – do not click ADD ANOTHER!  To add another member, PM or Guest, click ADD ANOTHER to open another Options table, add their name and Options and then click MAKE BOOKING when you are finished. To book someone else in later, enter their name and complete the options table as above. Only press ADD if you

Sorry, only logged in members may make a booking.

Sorry, only logged in members may see the list of people booked on to this meet.

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